Launch of Accelerating Access to Blood Disorders Care in Kenya and Tanzania Project

Patients with blood disorders will be supported to get rapid access to care thanks to the recently launched Accelerating Access to Blood Disorders Care in Kenya and Tanzania Project.

The 3-year joint project is a joint collaboration of Kenya Haemophilia Association (KHA), Novo Nordisk Haemophilia Foundation (NNHF), Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) and Muhimbili National Hospital in Tanzania.

Opening of haemophilia clinic in Voi

Kenya Haemophilia Association [KHA] in collaboration with Novo Nordisk Haemophilia Foundation [NNHF] visited Voi to open the first joint clinic for haemophilia and other bleeding disorders.

KHA has been undertaking serious infrastructural developments towards enhancing care for patients with haemophila and other bleeding disorders.

Haemophilia Youth of Africa workshop in Mauritius

Patients in Africa with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders between ages of 18-35 met in Mauritius to participate in the first workshop of its own kind on leadership and community engagement to empower them in supporting their national member organization in the continent.

A total of 14 participants from English speaking countries were invited for a two-day workshop.