
The Office of the Associate Vice-Chancellor, RIE, has organized a virtual webinar on research output, intellectual property, innovations and commercialization scheduled on Wednesday, November 30, 2022. from 2.00 to 4.00 pm.  The webinar targets all  Faculty…

The Office of the Dean of Students and Career Services cordially invites you to the UoN INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS DAY CELEBRATIONS 2022. 

You are hereby invited to attend the referred online training scheduled to be held from 9.00 a.m to 11.00am on Friday, November 25, 2022.

Prof Githanga and Dr Kibet will be presenting on the haematological diseases from 2-5pm Today on the online platform in collaboration with KNH.


Prof Robert Lewis from Queensland University will be giving a talk on Blood Group Genotyping and collaborations. All are welcome.

The Unit of Anatomic Pathology in partnership with Wondfo Biotech Company Limited has organised a  symposium on Wednesday 13th July 2022 from 11am to 12noon at the Lecture Theatre I. You are hereby invited to attend.


CPC Presentation by the Mmed Pathology and Neurosurgery postgraduate students every Friday at 7am. Tomorrow Dr. Ronald Kibet will be presenting.

The Brain Tumour Association of Kenya in partnership with Anatomic Pathology and Neurosurgery Unit will be having the first Conference on 20-21st May 2022 7am-2pm in Nairobi. Venue to be confirmed. For more information contact Dr. Okemwa.

CPC Presentation by the Mmed Pathology and Neurosurgery postgraduate students every Friday at 7am. Tomorrow Dr. Petronilla Kambogo will be presenting.

CPC Presentation by the Mmed Pathology and Neurosurgery postgraduate students every Friday at 7am. Tomorrow Dr. Michael Micheka will be presenting.