Apply for the COIL Workshop series

Teaching the teacher – a COIL workshop series

"Do you want to know more about cultural competence? Are you working in the Health Professions Education (HPE)? 


Then sign up for our COIL: Teaching the teacher – a COIL workshop series: How to develop your cultural competence as a Health Professions Educator (HPE)?


This section of the COIL workshop series focuses on cultural competence and its importance for health professions educators (HPEs) in an increasingly diverse field. By the end of the workshop you should be able to

- Define culture, identity and culture iceberg

- Explain models and theories of cultural competence

- Apply the cultural dimensions model to your own setting

- Reflect on teaching and assessment strategies of cultural competence

- Reflect on implicit bias in health professions



The workshop series will take place online on


Tuesday, 28th of May 2024, 03 to 05 pm CEST (Berlin) / 4pm- 6pm EAT


If you are interested in attending, please register using this form.

You will receive a link shortly before the event.


The COIL is a Charité collaboration between the Berlin-Nairobi Global HEART –

Health Research, Exchange and Training program, based at the Office of International

Affairs and the Dieter Scheffner Centre for Medical Education and Educational Research.


Attached is the poster for the event.