Partnership with Wondfo Biotech Company Limited

The partnership between the department and the Wondfo biotech company limited was finalized on Thursday, 27th April 2023 by the signing of the collaboration agreement by the DVC Academic Affairs, Prof. Julius Ogeng’o and Mr. Bear Xiong of Wondfo Biotech Company limited.

The Wondfo specializes in creating biotech machines and providing training of the machines which deal with human pathology, forensic expertise and other fields.

NationWide Campaign in a free screening Hemophilia program

Kenya Hemophilia Association (KHA) in partnership with the University of Nairobi invites everyone to a NationWide Campaign in a free screening program aimed at identifying and treating Hemophilia Patients.

You can download the (Kenya Hemophilia Association) KHA App on Playstore or Scan the QR code enclosed in the flyer and link up with the screening team. It aims at fulfilling a Universal Health Care for all and in support of this year's Global theme for the World Hemophilia Day on April 17,2023. More details are on the flyer attached or contact Dr Kibet.