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Fostering Collaboration with other Education stakeholders

On 9th February 2024, the Ministry of Education hosted a meeting with the visiting President of Thomas More University, Belgium, Professor Stijn Coenen together with University of Nairobi (UoN), Government of Kenya officials and other Kenyan Universities. Great ideas emerged on forstering collaborations in Kenya in terms of education. UoN was represented by Dr. Ezekiel Mecha, Director Communication Mr. Orindi and Dr Francis Wanyama.

Training on Haemophilia at the Department

Kenya Haemophilia Association team lead by Dr Peter Kibet held a one week training from 27th November to 5th December 2023 on treatment, management and diagnosis of Haemophilia at the Department of Human Pathology. The trainees were a 3 Doctors, 4 Nurse and 2 Physiotherapists from Kitui County Referral Hospital and Hola County Referral Hospital.

Dr Barasa at the IUIS Conference

On 27th November to 2nd December 2023, Cape Town (South Africa) will be hosting the International Congress of Immunology (IUIS). This is the world’s leading conference in the field of immunology. Every three years, the IUIS Congress assembles immunologists from industry, university, health providers and independent research organizations.