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Dr Maturi speaks at the Blood Transfusion Symposium Series

On Friday, 24th February 2023, Dr. Peter Maturi was among the speakers on the ongoing online Blood Transfusion Symposium Series titled Scope, importance of Haemovigilance, impact/benefits of Haemovigilance, reporting tools, adverse events reporting, facility transfusion committees. 

The webinar was an introduction to Haemovigilance in reengineering services for universal health coverage. 

MITS Training by Dr Walong

The Department of Human Pathology was privileged to host another set of training from 23rd-27th January 2023 on Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling (MITS), an autopsy technique meant to equip Pathologists, Medical Scientists and Technologist with technical skills that can provide data about causes of death, similar to that obtained through a complete diagnostic autopsy.